


Building YOUR dream bod.

Our Signature Programs

Our Complete Original Program

XTREME Fat Loss Program

Lean Bulking Program

Women’s Program

Articles & Blogs

Recipes of the Month

Calories: 1100 Protein: 80g

Carbs: 65g Fats: 52g

Calories: 1527 Protein: 122g

Carbs: 132g Fats: 68g

Calories: 221 Protein: 8g

Carbs: 47g Fats: 3g

Calories: 275 Protein: 30g

Carbs: 15g Fats: 9g

Why should you join the Bodfather Family?

We offer an unpretentious and results-oriented community that’s invested in YOUR goals and success both in and out of the gym. Check your ego at the door and get ready to sweat!

Client Results

“I discovered the bodfathers earlier this year through my friend Carter. I was looking for a workout and nutrition program that would add muscle but didn’t give me that bulky bodybuilder physique. The Bodfathers aligned with me with their Bodfather Trilogy 3-phase program. I’m happy to say that I’m now seeing the results that I wanted and was lacking. Using the Bodfathers 3-4 day workout splits and following their nutrition plan, I have added 15lbs of lean muscle, I eat the foods I love, and most importantly, I left my skinny-fat physique in the past.”

— Ethan T.

David G.

“So glad I discovered The Bodfathers! The God Bod Program is well structured and very intense while also making it fun, educational, and rewarding. So glad I have finally found a program that has me wanting to go back to the gym!”

  • "There is nothing impossible to him who will try"

    Alexander The Great

  • “Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.”

    Oprah Winfrey

  • "Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen"

    Michael Jordan

  • "Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you’ve got a kingdom."

    Jack LaLanne

  • "If you're going through hell, keep going."

    Winston Churchill


  • We created The Bodfathers because we were tired of dedicating 5-6 days a week in the gym and not seeing the results for our time. We were tired of consuming 3500 cals on a daily basis, being told the only meal to gain muscle was chicken & rice. What we have created in our programs is a tried and tested formula that will guarantee your success in and out of the gym, and a new-found love with your transformed bod. Gone are the days of not wanting to take your shirt off at the backyard pool BBQ or at the beach. With a Bodfathers program, you will be turning heads wherever you go!

    Guaranteed more matches on Tinder or your money back!

  • All of our programs are designed to develop muscle and shred body fat, but if you have a specific goal in mind:

    The Bodfather Trilogy: Aesthetic Muscle Growth Program

    The Baywatch Bod: X-TREME Fat Loss Program

    The God Bod: Advanced Lean Bulking Program

    The Atomic Bod: Women’s Program

  • YES! We offer programs for both men & women. Our signature women’s program is called The Atomic Bod!

  • YES! For this one-time investment, you'll receive everything you need to reach your goals (weight loss, strength training, bulk up, etc.). Our programs feature workout & nutrition plans with step-by-step guides on how you can achieve your dream bod.

  • YES! With each program comes a nutritional guide specialized to meet a specific goal. With this guide, you will learn how to take control of the kitchen and your body to maximize results.

  • Our workouts are scalable to any fitness level! Each program includes a full library of easy-to-follow demo videos for every exercise.

  • Our programs are designed to be completed in a gym or a home-gym setup.

    You will need a weighted belt in order to perform some exercises.

Join our Mission.

Follow us @bodfathers on Instagram for more!